College of SIIM Fellows
The College of SIIM Fellows (COSF) annually inducts individual(s) who have significantly contributed to SIIM and its mission. Fellowship is among the highest honors the Society for Imaging Informatics in Medicine bestows upon a member.
Founded in 2000, Fellows of SIIM are nominated and elected by the College in recognition of their achievements and accomplishments in medical imaging, and for their demonstrated personal commitment to improving patient care. All Fellows are active members of SIIM and are the leading thinkers and innovators within the imaging informatics community. The FSIIM distinction is awarded at the SIIM Annual Meeting.
Officers and Directors
- Elizabeth A. Krupinski, PhD, FSIIM
- J. Raymond Geis, MD, FSIIM
- Richard H. Wiggins, III, MD, CIIP, FSIIM
The SIIM Fellows Program has recognized the leading thinkers and innovators within the medical imaging informatics community.
The requirements for consideration and for election to Fellowship are:
- A current member of SIIM with a minimum of ten (10) years membership of the past 15 years, excluding years as a member in training
- Significant contributions to SIIM and its mission
SIIM members interested in being inducted to the College of SIIM Fellows should submit a Fellowship Application. The application, a description of contribution(s) to the field, and letters from two sponsoring Fellows are to be received at the SIIM office three months prior to the annual meeting of the year the candidate is to be considered.
Current SIIM Fellows
Name | Year Awarded |
Nina Kottler, MD, MS | 2024 |
Richard “Skip” Kennedy, MS, CIIP, FSIIM | 2024 |
Mitchell Goldburgh | 2024 |
Judy W. Gichoya, MD, FSIIM | 2024 |
Robert M. Allman, MD, FSIIM | 2000 |
Katherine P. Andriole, PhD, FSIIM | 2007 |
Ronald L. Arenson, MD, FSIIM | 2000 |
David E. Avrin, MD, PhD, FSIIM | 2000 |
Roger A. Bauman, MD, FSIIM | 2000 |
Barton F. Branstetter IV, MD, FSIIM | 2020 |
David E. Brown, BSCS, CNMT, CIIP, FSIIM | 2021 |
Paul J. Chang, MD, FSIIM | 2005 |
David A. Clunie, MBBS, FSIIM | 2016 |
Tessa S. Cook, MD, PhD, CIIP, FSIIM | 2020 |
Donald K. Dennison, FSIIIM | 2017 |
Sylvia Devlin, MS RT (R)(M)(QM), CIIP, FSIIM | 2023 |
Keith J. Dreyer, DO, PhD, FSIIM | 2010 |
Samuel J. Dwyer, PhD, FSIIM (1932-2008) | 2002 |
Bradley J. Erickson, MD, PhD, CIIP, FSIIM | 2008 |
Adam E. Flanders, MD, FSIIM | 2013 |
J. Raymond Geis, MD, FSIIM | 2019 |
Joseph N. Gitlin, DPH, FSIIM (1927-2014) | 2000 |
Robert A. Greenes, MD, PhD, FSIIM | 2001 |
Janice Honeyman-Buck, PhD, FSIIM | 2006 |
Steven C. Horii, MD, FSIIM | 2000 |
R. Gilbert Jost, MD, FSIIM | 2000 |
Charles E. Kahn, Jr, MD, MS, FSIIM | 2014 |
Marc Kohli, MD, FSIIM | 2023 |
Elizabeth A. Krupinski, PhD, FSIIM | 2008 |
Steve G. Langer, PhD, CIIP, FSIIM | 2019 |
Curtis P. Langlotz, MD, PhD, CIIP, FSIIM | 2010 |
John W. Loop, MD, FSIIM (1924-1990) | 2001 |
Chris Meenan, CIIP, FSIIM | 2022 |
Richard L. Morin, PhD, FSIIM | 2008 |
Paul G. Nagy, PhD, CIIP, FSIIM | 2012 |
Kevin O’Donnell, MA Sc, FSIIM | 2023 |
David W. Piraino, MD, FSIIM | 2007 |
Rangaraj M. Rangayyan, PhD, PEng, FSIIM | 2007 |
Christopher Roth, MD, MMCI, FSIIM | 2022 |
Daniel L. Rubin, MD, MS, FSIIM | 2018 |
Nabile Safdar, MD, MPH, FSIIM | 2022 |
Ann L. Scherzinger, PhD, CIIP, FSIIM | 2021 |
Teri Sippel Schmidt, MS, FSIIM | 2022 |
J. Anthony Seibert, PhD, CIIP, FSIIM | 2009 |
Eliot L. Siegel, MD, FSIIM | 2003 |
Alexander J. Towbin, MD, FSIIM | 2023 |
David L. Weiss, MD, FSIIM | 2011 |
James T. Whitfill, MD, CIIP, FSIIM | 2021 |
Richard H. Wiggins, III, MD, CIIP, FSIIM | 2012 |
Byrn Williamson, Jr, MD, FSIIM (1941-2020) | 2009 |
SIIM Bylaws – Fellows
SIIM Bylaws Section 14. Fellows
- Up to five members may be elected to Fellowship in SIIM annually. Posthumous elections are also permitted. Any posthumous fellow shall not count toward the annual limit of five new fellows. This significant high honor recognizes achievements that place the individual at the pinnacle of experts in computer applications in imaging informatics.
- Each Fellow is to be known as a Fellow of the Society for Imaging Informatics in Medicine and entitled to use the acronym FSIIM after his or her name,
- All active Fellows are members of the College of SIIM Fellows (COSF) entitled to one vote. Fellows who are no longer individual members of SIIM are members of the COSF with Emeritus status and no vote.
- The COSF is charged with two responsibilities: the annual election of zero to five new Fellows and the reporting of new developments or other circumstances of note in our field to the Board of Directors through the Executive Director.
- A President and two Directors of the COSF are to be appointed by the SIIM Chair every three years. The three-year term lengths for COSF officers shall be from January to December.
- The Fellowship Election Process
- The requirements for consideration and for election to Fellowship are: a) A current member of SIIM with a minimum of ten (10) years membership of the past 15 years, excluding years as a member in training, and b) Significant contributions to SIIM and its mission.
- The COSF will develop a fellowship application form. Applicants meeting the minimum requirements will be considered for election in the year the application was received with supporting letters from their two sponsoring Fellows not less than three months prior to the Annual Meeting at which that class of Fellows will be announced. The identity of the applicants and all application materials will be confidential to the COSF and the SIIM Office. Applicants who are not selected may reapply in other years.
- The SIIM office will work with the COSF Officers to determine which applicants qualify to be placed on the ballot. Their applications and sponsor’s letters will be circulated to the COSF. Each Fellow entitled to vote is to mark a candidate as favorable, unsatisfactory or no opinion.
- Ballots in hand at the SIIM office thirty-five (35) calendar days after distribution shall be used in the tally. No Fellow may be elected with less than 80 percent favorable votes of the sum of the favorable and unfavorable votes cast. Any candidate receiving “no opinion” votes that number more than 30% of the sum of the favorable and unfavorable votes cast will not be elected. The COSF officers will review the results of the balloting and make the final determination of how many Fellows with sufficient favorable votes will be selected for that class.
- The College of SIIM Fellows and Emeritus Fellows will be listed in the SIIM Membership Directory.
- Emeritus Fellows may sponsor fellowship applications but they do not pay dues, vote or receive publications.
- The Board of Directors with the concurrence of the COSF Officers may vote to strip an individual of Fellowship and all rights and privileges thereof in cases of unacceptable conduct.