International Standard

DICOM is the international standard to transmit, store, retrieve, print, process, and display medical imaging information.

  • Inter-operable medical imaging information
  • Integration of image-acquisition devices, PACS, workstations, VNAs and printers from different manufacturers
  • Developed and maintained to meet the evolving technologies and needs of medical imaging
  • Free to download and use


SIIM serves as the Secretariat of DICOM WG-33 Data Archive & Management.

WG-33 Co-Chairs:

  • User Co-Chair: Matthew Bishop, CIIP, Enterprise Imaging Architect, UnityPoint Health (representing SIIM)
  • Vendor Co-Chair: Keith Eklund, VP Sales & Services, HealthCare Tech Solutions

This Working Group is scoping the problem with DICOM data migrations related to data in static form. Typically, data at rest is stored and not updated at the file level until migrations occur, which is problematic when dealing with large file systems.

As of October 2021, WG-33 is in the process of updating proposed Supplement 223: Inventory IOD and Related Services based on Public Comment submissions, preparing for presentation to WG-06 in early November 2021 in hopes of having it released for Letter Ballot later that month.

In summer of 2022, work was completed on DICOM Supplement 223: Repository Query, Inventory IOD, and Related Services.

Sup223 is incorporated into the published 2022c edition of the DICOM Standard. A suggested starting point is the informative Annex YYYY in Part 17.

An extensive presentation on the details of Sup223 is online.

Sup223 adds a new set of features and services to the DICOM Standard to create and manage a complete inventory of the PACS archive that is application independent. “Application independent” means the data is in a DICOM Standard format and is not tied to the proprietary PACS database – it could be read by any DICOM-conformant application supporting this new feature.

Sup223 specifies several approaches that a PACS might use to produce an inventory. First, a PACS may produce a set of objects/files in accordance with the new Inventory Information Object Definition. Production of those files might be initiated by a local user control (the PACS UI), or through an optional DICOM remote service call. A second approach uses an enhanced version of DICOM Study Root Query to allow a robust traversal of the entire PACS database across a series of (many) Query transactions. This second approach fits easily into the architectural and commercial models of many existing PACS, and may facilitate implementation.

SIIM Involvement with DICOM

February 2020

  • SIIM becomes Secretariat of DICOM WG-33 Data Archive & Management

June 2019

  • 3D printing exhibit/video of STL encapsulation at #SIIM19
  • AI Coalition met at #SIIM19

March 2019

  • SIIM nominee Kenneth Persons, MSEE, Enterprise Imaging Architect, Mayo Clinic, becomes User Co-Chair of DICOM WG-10 Strategic Advisory

DICOM Content Available on SIIM Training

DICOM Basic – Part 1: DICOM Introduction, Data Formats and Protocol >>

DICOM Basic – Part 2:  DICOM Services, Commands and Conformance On-Demand >>

DICOM Advanced – Part 1: DICOM Workflow Management and Structured Reports On-Demand >>

DICOM Advanced – Part 2: DICOM Image Quality, Networking and Troubleshooting On-Demand >>

DICOM Introduction Package On-Demand >>

DICOM Advanced Package On-Demand >>

Not sure which level? Log onto SIIM Training and review each course overview. The subscription is valid for 12 months.

Related Resources

Press Release | September 2022: DICOM Supplement 223 is Incorporated into the DICOM Standard

SIIM Podcast | July 2019: An Interview with Herman Oosterwijk

An overview of the latest progress of the DICOM standard from the recent base standard meeting: DICOM News