About the Journal

The Journal of Imaging Informatics in Medicine (JIIM) is the official peer-reviewed journal of the Society for Imaging Informatics in Medicine (SIIM).

JIIM's goal is to enhance the exchange of knowledge in medical Imaging Informatics in machine learning, deep learning, artificial intelligence, engineering, information technologies, research, and clinical settings.

JIIM is published bi-monthly and is indexed in Index Medicus.

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Journal Facts

Impact Factor

Topics Covered

Manuscript Submissions

JIIM welcomes submissions worldwide

Hypothesis-driven research, experience reports, technical notes and review articles are all considered for publication

JIIM papers are published "online-first" and are fully citable prior to print publication

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JIIM Editorial Board


Elizabeth A. Krupinski, PHD, FSIIM, FSPIE, FATA, FAIMBE
Emory University

Deputy Editor

Victoria Barnosky, PHD, RT (R)(CT)(QM), CRA, CIIP, FAHRA

Founding Editor

Roger A. Bauman, MD

Emeritus Editor

Steven C. Horii, MD, FSIIM
University of Pennsylvania Health System

Associate Editors

Paras C. Lakhani, MD
Thomas Jefferson University Hospital

Bennett Allan Landman, PHD
Vanderbilt University EECS

Steve Langer, PHD
Mayo Foundation

Paul G. Nagy, PHD, FSIIM, CIIP
Johns Hopkins University

Arjun Sharma, MD
Northwell Health

Wyatt Tellis, PHD, PHD

Editorial Board

Katherine P. Andriole, Ph.D., FACR, FSIIM, FSPIE
Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Harvard Medical School, USA

Tessa Cook MD, PHD, FSIIM
University of Pennsylvania, USA

Dawn Cram, R.T (R,M), C.I.I.P.
Paxera Health, USA

Donald Dennison, CIIP
Donald K. Dennison Solutions Inc., Canada

Adam E. Flanders, M.D., FSIIM
Thomas Jefferson University, USA

Les R. Folio, D.O. M.P.H., CIIP
Moffitt Cancer Center, University of South Florida, USA

David S. Hirschorn, M.D.
Northwell Health, USA

Woojin Kim, M.D.
Palo Alto VA Medical Center, US

Chris Meenan, C.I.I.P.
University of Maryland, USA

Peter van Ooijen, M.SC., Ph.D., CPHIMS
University Medical Center Groningen, Netherlands

Ann Scherzinger, Ph.D.
University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Center, USA

Alexander Towbin, M.D., FAAP, FACR, FSIIM
Cincinnati Children’s Hospital, USA

Shandong Wu, Ph.D.
University of Pittsburgh, USA

Editorial Office

19440 Golf Vista Plaza, Suite 330
Leesburg, VA 20176
Phone: (703) 723-0432
Fax: (703) 723-0415
Email: info@siim.org

Top Reviewers

At SIIM, we are extremely grateful for the expertise and time commitment of our Journal of Imaging Informatics in Medicine peer-review professionals. Your assistance is greatly appreciated. This past year over 200 expert reviewers assisted in giving recommendations for JIIM publications. Below are reviewers who have gone above and beyond by agreeing to review at least 4 manuscripts this year. Thank you for your help in making JIIM a top-tier journal.

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Journal Of Imaging Informatics In Medicine Awards

Every year, the Editor-in-Chief and the Associate Editors of JIIM select and recognize the best papers and the most valuable reviewer for the year.