Please contact the SIIM Office at or 703-723-0432 with any questions.

"*" indicates required fields

Full Name*
Please use the following format: MD, PhD, CIIP, FSIIM
This number will only be used by SIIM Staff.

Faculty Bio

400 characters (no spaces) max. Please write in 3rd person, present tense. Sample: As chief innovation officer at UPMC, Dr. Shrestha plays a leading role in driving innovation strategy, serving as a catalyst for transforming the organization into a more patient-focused and economically sustainable system. He also serves as the Executive VP of UPMC Enterprises. Previously, he served as the VP of medical information technology and medical director of interoperability and previously served as the informatics director.
Max. file size: 128 MB.
SIIM uses faculty and presenter portraits for marketing purposes. Please upload your latest portrait. Alternately, you may send a copy to at a later date.