What is your current imaging informaticist role?
I am currently the Vice-Chair of Imaging Informatics and Associate CMIO at Ann & Robert H. Lurie Children’s Hospital of Chicago.
What do you love most about imaging informatics?
What I love most about imaging informatics is being part of a community that is always seeking ways to improve the way we interact with technology with the ultimate goal of keeping providers and patients connected, elevating the quality of healthcare, and striving for the highest level of safety and wellbeing.
If you could choose anyone as a mentor, who would you choose?
My father is my most ardent mentor and supporter. He taught me the art of patience and humbleness when dealing with family, friends, peers, and co-workers. He practiced general surgery and never brought any of his work stressors or frustrations home. He also knows how to fix almost anything!
What one thing, either industry-related or not, did you learn in the last month?
Despite all of the ways we can communicate electronically via social media, Zoom, e-mail, SMS, WhatsApp, etc., nothing beats an in person meeting over a nice cup of coffee or hot chocolate in the middle of winter.
How do you define success?
Success to me is defined by the state of the teams we lead or are a part of. I feel most successful when the people around me are functioning at their fullest potential. I mirror that enthusiasm and positivity in my own work which begets more success.
What’s the last book you read or TV series you binged?
The last book I read (actually listened to) was “The Cult of We: WeWork, Adam Neumann, and the Great Startup Delusion.” This was such an eye-opening story on how narcissism and megalomania led to the quick rise and hard fall of a startup that was purported to positively change the way we work and live.
What’s your most memorable networking story at SIIM?
When I was a radiology resident and starting to discover the field of imaging informatics, it was so impactful to be surrounded by so many luminaries in the field when attending the annual SCAR/SIIM meeting. I specifically remember early morning trainee meet and greet breakfasts attended by Drs. Branstetter, Avrin, Nagy, Andriole, Langlotz, and Geis (just to name a few). These interactions catalyzed my informatics career. I will always be indebted to SIIM for helping me launch my informatics career.
Member Spotlight
Job Title
Vice-Chair of Imaging Informatics and Associate CMIO
Affiliated institution
Ann & Robert H. Lurie Children's Hospital of Chicago
Publish Date
Feb 24, 2022